There’s no registration; you’ve already done that. If you’ve paid by standing order then relax, there’s nothing more to do here; otherwise:
Membership Fee
Adults . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £5.00 Per Person
Under 16’s . . . . . . . . . . . FREE
(Payment is for the Calendar Year, irrespective of how many forays you attend)
Pay by Standing Order, Bank Transfer or You can pay by Credit Card at your first foray.
With Standing Order you can set future membership to renew automatically. Of course, you can easily cancel at any time.
For Bank Transfer or Standing Order please use the following account information:
Account Name: Cotswold Fungus Group, Account Number: 61735671, Sort Code: 60-22-31, Annual Renewal Date: 1st January
or you can send this Standing Order Form to your bank in Word Document or PDF format.